
With over 30 years of writing and public speaking experience, Cynthia Wilson James enjoys seeing her clients succeed and inspiring Christian women seeking marriage and motherhood later in life. She treats her clients in a personable, polite, and professional manner.

Small Business or Personal Profile

Get a professionally written profile that tells your compelling story by Cynthia Wilson James. Use it to attract new and loyal customers or for your website content. Your business profile will include:

  • Your Story-Why You Started Your Business

  • Your Mission, Your Values, Your Values

  • Your Products or Services

  • Contact Information

  • 4-day delivery after gathering information via email or telephone discovery call

  • 1-Revision

    Please Use the Contact Form Below For Your Request.

turned off laptop computer on top of brown wooden table
turned off laptop computer on top of brown wooden table
LinkedIn Profiles or Resume Rewrites/Interview Training

Professional Writer Cynthia Wilson James will write your profile to gain new career and networking opportunities. Need practice interviewing? Cynthia's former background as a recruiter will help you prepare for the interview. Please Use the Contact Form Below For Your Request

Christian Single Women Over 40 Speaking Series

Cynthia Wilson James understands the challenges faced by older Christian women who desire marriage and motherhood. She offers guidance and hope by sharing her journey with your audience. Marriage At 40 Healthy Babies At 42 and 44 and Mistakes That's Keeping You Single are two popular presentations in this series. Please Use the Contact Form Below For Your Request .

Contact Cynthia